Mapping for MIAPPE Checklist 1.1
MIRA uses the mapping of the MIAPPE Checklist 1.1 to ISA Tab and BrAPI as proposed in MIAPPE Checklist Mapping:
MIAPPE ID | MIAPPE Field | ISA Tab File | ISA Tab Section | ISA Tab Field | BrAPI Call | BrAPI Object | BrAPI Field |
DM-1 | Investigation | ||||||
DM-2 | Investigation unique ID | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Investigation Identifier | /trials/{trialDbId} | None | trialDbId |
DM-3 | Investigation title | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Investigation Title | /trials/{trialDbId} | None | trialName |
DM-4 | Investigation description | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Investigation Description | /trials/{trialDbId} | None | trialDescription |
DM-5 | Submission date | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Investigation Submission Date | /trials/{trialDbId} | datasetAuthorships | submissionDate |
DM-6 | Public release date | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Investigation Public Release Date | /trials/{trialDbId} | datasetAuthorships | publicReleaseDate |
DM-7 | License | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Comment[License] | /trials/{trialDbId} | datasetAuthorships | license |
DM-8 | MIAPPE version | Investigation | INVESTIGATION | Comment[MIAPPE version] | out of scope | ||
DM-9 | Associated publication | Investigation | INVESTIGATION PUBLICATIONS | Investigation Publication DOI | /trials/{trialDbId} | publications | publicationPUI |
DM-10 | Study | ||||||
DM-11 | Study unique ID | Investigation | STUDY | Study Identifier | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | studyDbId |
DM-12 | Study title | Investigation | STUDY | Study Title | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | studyName |
DM-13 | Study description | Investigation | STUDY | Study Description | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | studyDescription |
DM-14 | Start date of study | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Start Date] | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | startDate |
DM-15 | End date of study | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study End Date] | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | endDate |
DM-16 | Contact institution | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Contact Institution] | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | instituteName |
DM-17 | Geographic location (country) | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Country] | /studies/{studyDbId} | location | countryName / countryCode |
DM-18 | Experimental site name | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Experimental Site] | /studies/{studyDbId} | location | name |
DM-19 | Geographic location (latitude) | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Latitude] | /studies/{studyDbId} | location | latitude |
DM-20 | Geographic location (longitude) | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Longitude] | /studies/{studyDbId} | location | longitude |
DM-21 | Geographic location (altitude) | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Altitude] | /studies/{studyDbId} | location | altitude |
DM-22 | Description of the experimental design | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Study Design Description] | /studies/{studyDbId} | experimentalDesign | description |
DM-23 | Type of experimental design | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Study Design Type | /studies/{studyDbId} | experimentalDesign | PUI |
DM-24 | Observation unit level hierarchy | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Observation Unit Level Hierarchy] | /studies/{studyDbId} | additionalInfo | observationUnitLevelHierarchy |
DM-25 | Observation unit description | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Observation Unit Description] | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | observationUnitsDescription |
DM-26 | Description of growth facility | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Description of Growth Facility] | /studies/{studyDbId} | growthFacility | description |
DM-27 | Type of growth facility | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Type of Growth Facility] | /studies/{studyDbId} | growthFacility | PUI |
DM-28 | Cultural practices | Investigation | STUDY PROTOCOLS | Study Protocol Description (for Growth protocol) | /studies/{studyDbId} | None | culturalPractices |
DM-29 | Map of experimental design | Investigation | STUDY DESIGN DESCRIPTORS | Comment[Map of Experimental Design] | /studies/{studyDbId} | additionalInfo | mapOfExperimentalDesign |
DM-30 | Person | ||||||
DM-31 | Person name | Investigation | INVESTIGATION CONTACTS / STUDY CONTACTS | Investigation Person Last Name - First Name - Mid Initials / Study Person Last Name - First Name - Mid Initials | /studies/{studyDbId} | contacts | name |
DM-32 | Person email | Investigation | INVESTIGATION CONTACTS / STUDY CONTACTS | Investigation Person Email / Study Person Email | /studies/{studyDbId} | contacts | |
DM-33 | Person ID | Investigation | INVESTIGATION CONTACTS / STUDY CONTACTS | Comment[Person ID] | /studies/{studyDbId} | contacts | orcid / contactDbId |
DM-34 | Person role | Investigation | INVESTIGATION CONTACTS / STUDY CONTACTS | Investigation Person Roles / Study Person Roles | /studies/{studyDbId} | contacts | type |
DM-35 | Person affiliation | Investigation | INVESTIGATION CONTACTS / STUDY CONTACTS | Investigation Person Affiliation / Study Person Affiliation | /studies/{studyDbId} | contacts | instituteName |
DM-36 | Data File | ||||||
DM-37 | Data file link | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Data File Link] | /studies/{studyDbId} | dataLinks | type |
DM-38 | Data file description | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Data File Description] | /studies/{studyDbId} | dataLinks | name / url |
DM-39 | Data file version | Investigation | STUDY | Comment[Study Data File Version] | /studies/{studyDbId} | dataLinks | version |
DM-40 | Biological Material | ||||||
DM-41 | Biological material ID | Study | None | Source Name | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | accessionNumber |
DM-42 | Organism | Study | Source | Characteristics[Organism] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | taxonIds | sourceName, taxonId |
DM-43 | Genus | Study | Source | Characteristics[Genus] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | germplasmGenus |
DM-44 | Species | Study | Source | Characteristics[Species] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | germplasmSpecies |
DM-44 | Infraspecific name | Study | Source | Characteristics[Infraspecific Name] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | subtaxa |
DM-45 | Biological material latitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Biological Material Latitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | germplasmOrigin | latitudeDecimal |
DM-46 | Biological material longitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Biological Material Longitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | germplasmOrigin | longitudeDecimal |
DM-47 | Biological material altitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Biological Material Altitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | germplasmOrigin | altitude |
DM-48 | Biological material coordinates uncertainty | Study | Source | Characteristics[Biological Material Coordinates Uncertainty] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | germplasmOrigin | coordinateUncertainty |
DM-49 | Biological material preprocessing | Study | Source | Characteristics[Biological Material Preprocessing] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | germplasmPreprocessing |
DM-50 | Material source ID (Holding institute/stock centre, accession) | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source ID] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | donorInfo | donorAccessionNumber |
DM-51 | Material source DOI | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source DOI] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | donorInfo | donorAccessionPui |
DM-52 | Material source latitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source Latitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | collectingInfo.collectingSite | latitudeDecimal |
DM-53 | Material source longitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source Longitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | collectingInfo.collectingSite | longitudeDecimal |
DM-54 | Material source altitude | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source Altitude] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | collectingInfo.collectingSite | elevation |
DM-55 | Material source coordinates uncertainty | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source Coordinates Uncertainty] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | collectingInfo.collectingSite | coordinateUncertainty |
DM-56 | Material source description | Study | Source | Characteristics[Material Source Description] | /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | None | seedSourceDescription |
DM-57 | Environment | ||||||
DM-58 | Environment parameter | Investigation | STUDY PROTOCOLS | Study Protocol Parameters Name (for Growth protocol) | /studies/{studyDbId} | environmentParameters | parameterName |
DM-59 | Environment parameter value | Study | Growth protocol | Parameter Value[ ] | /studies/{studyDbId} | environmentParameters | description |
DM-60 | Experimental Factor | ||||||
DM-61 | Experimental Factor type | Investigation | STUDY FACTORS | Study Factor Name | /observationunits | Treatment | Factor |
DM-62 | Experimental Factor description | Investigation | STUDY FACTORS | Comment[Study Factor Description] | None | None | None |
DM-63 | Experimental Factor values | Investigation | STUDY FACTORS | Comment[Study Factor Values] | out of scope | ||
DM-64 | Event | ||||||
DM-65 | Event type | Investigation | STUDY PROTOCOLS | Study Protocol Name (for protocol of type Event) | /events | None | eventTypeName |
DM-66 | Event accession number | Investigation | STUDY PROTOCOLS | Study Protocol URI (for protocol of type Event) | /events | None | eventTypeDbId |
DM-67 | Event description | Investigation | STUDY PROTOCOLS | Study Protocol Description (for protocol of type Event) | /events | None | description |
DM-68 | Event date | Event file | None | Event Date | /events | None | date |
DM-69 | Observation Unit | ||||||
DM-70 | Observation unit ID | Study / Assay | None | Sample Name | /observationunits | None | observationUnitDbId |
DM-71 | Observation unit type | Study | Sample | Characteristics[Observation Unit Type] | /observationunits | None | observationLevel |
DM-72 | External ID | Study | Sample | Characteristics[External ID] | /observationunits | observationUnitXref | id/source |
DM-73 | Spatial distribution | Study | Sample | Characteristics[Spatial distribution] | /observationunits | None | observationLevels |
DM-74 | Observation Unit factor value | Study | Source / Sample | Factor Value[ ] | /observationunits | treatments | factor/modality |
DM-75 | Sample | ||||||
DM-76 | Sample ID | Assay | None | Extract Name | /samples | None | sampleDbId |
DM-77 | Plant structure development stage | Assay | Extract | Characteristics[Plant Structure Development Stage] | /samples | additionalInfo | plantStructureDevelopmentStage |
DM-78 | Plant anatomical entity | Assay | Extract | Characteristics[Plant Anatomical Entity] | /samples | None | tissueType |
DM-79 | Sample description | Assay | Sampling protocol | Parameter Value[Sampling Description] | /samples | additionalInfo | samplingDescription |
DM-80 | Collection date | Assay | Sampling protocol | Parameter Value[Sampling Date] | /samples | None | sampleTimestamp |
DM-81 | External ID | Assay | Extract | Characteristics[External ID] | /samples | additionalInfo | externalId |
DM-82 | Observed Variable | ||||||
DM-83 | Variable ID | Trait Definition File | None | Variable ID | /variables | None | observationVariableName |
DM-84 | Variable name | Trait Definition File | None | Variable name | /variables | None | observationVariableName, observationVariableDbId |
DM-85 | Variable accession number | Trait Definition File | None | Variable accession number | /variables | None | xref, (observationVariableDbId) |
DM-86 | Trait | Trait Definition File | None | Trait | /variables | trait | traitName, description |
DM-87 | Trait accession number | Trait Definition File | None | Trait accession number | /variables | trait | (traitDbId) |
DM-88 | Method | Trait Definition File | None | Method | /variables | method | methodName |
DM-89 | Method accession number | Trait Definition File | None | Method accession number | /variables | method | (methodDbId) |
DM-90 | Method description | Trait Definition File | None | Method description | /variables | method | description |
DM-91 | Reference associated to the method | Trait Definition File | None | Reference associated to the method | /variables | method | reference |
DM-92 | Scale | Trait Definition File | None | Scale | /variables | scale | scaleName |
DM-93 | Scale accession number | Trait Definition File | None | Scale accession number | /variables | scale | (scaleDbId) |
DM-94 | Time scale | Trait Definition File | None | Time scale | None |