To implement full compliance with MIAPPE, the following BrAPI endpoints need to be implemented:
- GET /trials
- GET /studies
- GET /locations
- GET /germplasm
- GET /observationunits
- GET /events
- GET /samples
- GET /variables
In the current version of MIRA, only a subset of those endpoints are supported. A detailed description and supported query parameters are listed below.
Detailed information about pagination in BrAPI can be found in its documentation. This section provides an overview of the specific implementation in MIRA.
When the data array contains no records, the pagination is ignored by returning:
"pagination": {
"totalCount": 0,
"pageSize": 0,
"totalPages": 0,
"currentPage": 0
All endpoints, except GET /serverinfo
, support the page
and pageSize
query parameters and are not listed in the following sections. Default values comply with BrAPIs recommendation of page=0
and pageSize=1000
BrAPI Core
GET /serverinfo
Retrieve information about the server itself and avaible endpoints.
BrAPI Phenotyping
GET /observations
Retrieve all observations where there are measurements for the given observation variables.
observationTimestamp should be ISO8601 format with timezone YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hhmm
Supported Query parameters:
Parameter | Description | Type |
germplasmDbId | Use this parameter to only return results associated with the given Germplasm unique identifier. Use GET /germplasm to find the list of available Germplasm on a server. |
string |
observationUnitDbId | The unique ID of an Observation Unit | string |
observationVariableDbId | The unique ID of an observation variable | string |
GET /observationunits
Get a filtered set of Observation Units
Supported Query parameters:
Parameter | Description | Type |
GET /variables
Call to retrieve a list of observationVariables available in the system.
Supported Query parameters:
Parameter | Description | Type |
observationVariableDbId | Variable's unique ID | string |
methodName | Human readable name for the method MIAPPE V1.1 (DM-88) Method Name of the method of observation |
string |
traitName | Human readable name for the scale MIAPPE V1.1 (DM-88) Scale Name of the scale of observation |
string |
scaleName | Human readable name for the trait MIAPPE V1.1 (DM-88) Trait Name of the trait of observation |
string |